About me

317096_10150312658098387_366105360_nMy name is Massimo Schiro but my friends call me just Max. I was born on 1 November 1973 and I live in Turin (north of Italy).

My passions are art, music and computers since I was a children: when I was nine my father bought my first Personal Computer, a Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. I was so excited to create graphic covers for family amatorial VHS videos. I had always worked on digital media also before my graduation in Communication Science.

I was been videomaker, photographer, musician, art director and web designer. I was create TV formats and web campaigns. I had the pleasure to work in CSP (ICT research center) from 1998 to 2017, where we have done a lot of innovative projects such as the first National Cinema Museum website, 2002 – the first Interactive map and multimedia web channel for City of Turin 2003 – OrsoTV Living Lab with an amarcord web tv for the memory of the local territory, 2004. Now I’m Crossmedia Communication Specialist in the global engineer company Teoresi S.p.A. (www.teoresigroup.com).

I was been also involved in the amazing world of magicians and I designed the first italian web TV magic channel on 2008, with Amici della Magia Club and Masters of Magic at the International Congress of Saint Vincent under the direction of Walter Rolfo and Arturo Brachetti.

I’m the CO-founder of Docabout, a non-profit association that works on new digital tools to support documentaries and cross-media storytelling.

I like gaming and I like challenges. What’s next?


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